Total Lotion Pumps

Monday, September 29, 2014

Moisturizing Our Wenises

Well, in today's psychology class.... We had a tight-knit group of lotion fanatics sitting in the back corner of the room smelling, & applying lotion vigorously to our legs & forearms as per usual. When a thought arose, "wow, my elbows sure aren't as sensually soft as the rest of my body." So, deciding it was a novel idea, we sensually applied lotion to the wenis of our elbow as slowly as possible. Surprisingly the substitute teacher was not impressed.... So today we learned two things: to never let your elbows get too dry, & you must moisturize very robustly to impress this specific substitute... as always, lots of love to my soft skinned subscribers!


  1. This is the best blog ever. Lotion is love, Lotion is life.

    1. Hunter Gilbert meet me in the parking lot at 6:45AM on tuesday, november 6. We are gonna battle bakugan before school.

